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Job Title:Customer Support Advisor with GermanJob DescriptionThe Advisor I, Customer Service position interfaces with customers via inbound calls, outbound calls,…
Job Title:Team Leader English + GeorgianJob DescriptionThe Team Leader, Operations is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of a group of…
Job Title:Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with EnglishJob DescriptionThe Advisor I, Customer Service position interfaces with customers via…
Job Title:Ryanair Customer Support with English - work from KatowiceJob DescriptionRyanair is Europe's most popular airline, with up to 142…
Job Title:Customer Service Representative with FrenchJob DescriptionThe Advisor I, Customer Service position interfaces with customers via inbound calls, outbound calls,…
Job Title:Travel Advisor for Nordic Premium Airline SAS with SwedishJob DescriptionAre you ready to embark on your career journey in…
Job Title:Travel Advisor for Nordic Premium Airline SAS with EnglishJob DescriptionAre you ready to embark on your career journey in…
Job Title:Technical Customer Support with GermanJob DescriptionYour responsibilities:Support customers for security cameras and system uses (pre and after-sales)Assisting our customers…
Job Title:Customer Service Specialist with SwedishJob DescriptionResponsibilities:- Providing customer support for the purchase of electric cars or after-sales support (inbound…
Job Title:Ryanair Customer Support with Italian - work from KatowiceJob DescriptionRyanair is Europe's most popular airline, with up to 142…
Job Title:Specjalista ds. obsługi klienta linii lotniczych z jęz. niemieckimJob DescriptionThe Advisor I, Customer Service position interfaces with customers via…
Job Title:Travel Advisor for Nordic Premium Airline SAS with GermanJob DescriptionAre you ready to embark on your career journey in…
Job Title:Travel Advisor for Nordic Premium Airline SAS with JapaneaseJob DescriptionAre you ready to embark on your career journey in…
Job Title:Travel Advisor with DutchJob DescriptionYour responsibilities:Responding to customers via phone, chat, and e-mail (outbound and inbound).Working with confidential customer…
Job Title:Specjalista ds. wsparcia klienta z językiem niemieckimJob DescriptionTwój zakres obowiązkówUdzielanie pomocy klientom, wspieranie ich w pytaniach związanych z branżą…
Job Title:Specjalista ds. komunikacji z klientem i wsparcia sprzedażyJob DescriptionTwój zakres obowiązkówObsługa połączeń wychodzących (audio oraz video)Nawiązywanie i aktywne utrzymywanie…
Job Title:Specjalista ds. pomocy technicznej w języku szwedzkimJob DescriptionZakres obowiązków:Obsługa zgłoszeń telefonicznych od techników i monterów urządzeń fotowoltaicznychDiagnozowanie i rozwiązywanie…
Job Title:Specjalista ds. technicznego wsparcia klientaJob DescriptionTwój zakres obowiązkówObsługa połączeń przychodzących, maili oraz czatówObsługa klientów polskojęzycznychKontrola poprawności rozwiązania występujących usterek…
Job Title:Travel Advisor for Nordic Premium Airline SAS with FinnishJob DescriptionAre you ready to embark on your career journey in…
Job Title:Travel Advisor for Nordic Premium Airline SAS with SpanishJob DescriptionAre you ready to embark on your career journey in…